Sensory Awareness Studygroup

May 13 to 31, 2024

Special Guest from Germany:

Sascha Rimasch, born 1970, father of two kids, lived, studied and traveled with Charlotte Selver (1901-2003) from 1996 until 2003.

Charlotte Selver lived for 102 years and devoted over 75 years of her life to sharing the mindfulness practice of Sensory Awareness with students from around the world. Fleeing to New York from Nazi Germany in 1938, she helped transform the cultural landscape of the United States, becoming a catalyst in the formation of the Human Potential Movement. Many people were drawn to study and work with her including Erich Fromm, Alan Watts, Paul Reps, Fritz Perls and Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. Her work continues through the Sensory Awareness Foundation and the Sensory Awareness Leaders Guild and through the many people who continue to be touched and awakened by her wisdom.

Sascha has been offering Sensing Awareness Classes for more than 20 years.

He is an author, artist and therapist who promotes conscious sensing with humor and open-mindedness. We are very grateful to have the opportunity to offer a study group with him here in Costa Rica.

What is the course about?

Sensory Awareness focuses on the cultivation of an ever deepening awareness of our sensory experience as a gateway into ourselves and simultaneously into deeper connection with others and the world around us.

This depth of connection, with which we are born but may have lost along the way, anchors us in a more responsive and compassionate way of being.

What good does the course do for me? 

«These workshops are not discussion but practice. The approach is through the organism as a whole – the living totality in which all our faculties arise. The actual experience of exploring, freeing, and deepening our innate potentials can, if we follow it through, have far-reaching consequences in all spheres of living.

In general the work may be described as the gradual unfolding and cultivation of sensibility, of greater range and delicacy of feeling, which brings about concurrently the awakening and freeing of our innate energies. This we practice through the activity of sensing…

In sensing the person will meet consciously for the first time the creative, self-directive powers of his own nature, finding that he can orient himself where he formerly used to seek advice and that his most reliable sources of information and guidance lie within him.»

The studygroup will be held in German and English.

Price for the studygroup: 

1 week    $    500 

2 weeks  $    900 

3 weeks  $  1200

Course schedule from Monday to Friday: 


Course 10-12


Course 13-15


We will prepare our meals together in the beautiful outdoor kitchen. We will go shopping at the local market nearby and use the home-grown vegetables and fruits.

Saturday and Sunday are free to explore the beautiful mountains and the Pacific coast.

Prices for the accommodation per person:

Includes using the kitchen facilities (refrigerator, freezer, cooker), washing machine, Internet.

One week       Two weeks        Three weeks
Single Room$  250$ 500$ 750
Double Room$  200$ 400$ 600
Triple Room$  200$ 400$ 600
Bring your own tent$  125$ 250$ 375
Rent Tent from us$  150$ 300$ 450

Arrival by plane:

The main airport is in the capital of Costa Rica, in San Josè. 

From San José you can hire a car or take a bus to San Isidro (about three hours drive). From there we can pick you up or you take a taxi to the small village La Florida (about one hour drive).

For further information please contact Sascha Rimasch: or visit his website:

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