
Jungle Lodge

3 beds, shower and toilet

  • $ 30 per person per night 
  • $ 200 per person per week (7 nights) 

Casa Morpho

Single Room

  • $ 45 per night 
  • $ 290 per week (7 nights)   

Double Room

  • $ 30 per person per night 
  • $ 200 per person per week (7 nights) 

Fotos por Ralf Springhorn | Mail: | Teléfono: +506 8620 – 4278

Please keep in mind that our rates cover the cost of your stay, exclusive of meals. However, our communal kitchen is well-equipped and ready for you to whip up your own culinary delights.

Embrace the freedom to explore local cuisine or cook up your favorite dishes during your stay. We’re here to make your getaway comfortable and memorable.

Check for availability, ask for your favorite days at or +506-8740-6590

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